1. 《毛泽东选集》第1卷,人民出版社1964年版,第136页。
2. 王利明等著:《民法新论》(上册),中国政法大学出版社1987年版,第34页。
1. 朱慈蕴:《对一人公司立法与规制的思考》,载《商事法论集》(第5卷),法律出版社2000年版,第39页。
1. 林山田:《刑罚学》,台湾商务印书馆1983年版,第159页。
1. [意]加罗法洛:《犯罪学》,耿伟等译,中国大百科全书出版社1996年版,第139页。
1. 《大学衍义补》卷一百零二。
2. [清]沈家本:《沈寄先生遗书》甲编,第43页。
1. 《辞海》,上海辞书出版社1979年版,第743页。
1. 高铭暄等:《论毒品犯罪的罪名与刑法适用》,载《中国法学》1992年第3期,第10-19页。
1. 李文燕:《关于协助组织他人卖淫罪名的质疑》,载《法制日报》,1993年4月4日第3版。
1. 《最高人民法院公报》,1993年第1期,第19页。
1. 财政部《关于国债代保管凭证(单)应严格执行国债兑付政策的通知》,财国债字[1995]第25号,1995年7月17日。
“^”表示1个空格,“ ”表示应采用斜体。
1. Cases
case name,^volume number^reporter name^page number^(year or court and year).
for example:
Swaggart Ministries v. Board of Equalization of Cal., 493 U.S. 378 (1990).
2. Statutes
1)Federal statute: title number^abbreviated name of code^section number^(year).
for example:
22 U.S.C. sec. 401 (1988).
2)State code: abbreviated name of code^section, paragraph or article number(s)^(year).
for example:
Official code: Minn. Stat. Sec. 518.64 (1990).
Unofficial code: N.Y. Dom. Rel. Law sec. 170 (McKinney 1988).
3. Constitutions
abbreviated name of state or “U.S.”^abbreviation of constitution (“const.”)^abbreviation of “article” (“art.”)^article number,^section symbol or “sec.”^section number^clause number if appropriate.
for example:
U.S. Const. art. I, sec. 7, cl. 3.
Minn. Const. art. I, sec. 7, cl. 3.
4. Restatements
Restatement name^section symbol or “sec.”^section number^reference to comment if applicable^(year adopted [preferred] or last amended [if subsequent amendments incorporated]).
for example:
Restatement (Second) of Torts sec. 402A (1978).
5. Uniform Acts
Abbreviated name of the act^“sec” or section symbol^section number^(year).
for example:
U.C.C. sec. 2-303 (1990).
6. Law Review Articles and Other Periodicals
Author’s full name,^title of article,^volume number^abbreviated name of periodical^page number^(year).
for example:
Caroline Forell, Stopping the Violence: Mandatory Arrest and Police Tort Liability for Failure to Assist Battered Women, 6 Berkeley Women’s L.J. 215 (1990-91).
7. Books
Author’s full name,^title of the book^page, section, or paragraph number if needed^(year).
for example:
Elaine C. Maier, How To Prepare A Legal Citation 45 (2nd ed. 1985).
8. Legal Encyclopedias
for example:
31A C.J.S. Evidence § 175 (1964).
9. American Law Reports (ALR)
for example:
Anne M. Payne, Annotation, Sexual Partner’s Tort Liability to Other Partner For Fraudulent Misrepresentation Regarding Sterility or Use of Birth Control Resulting in Pregnancy, 2 A.L.R.5th 301 (1992).
10. Dictionaries
for example:
Black’s Law Dictionary 402 (6th ed. 1990).
11. Citations are frequently introduced by words called “signals”, such as “Accord”, “See”, “See also”, “cf.”, “Compare with”, “But see”, “But cf.”, “See generally”, “But see, e.g.,” etc.
1. See De hoge Raad der Nederlanden (visited March 21, 2002)
http://www. Rechtspraak.nl/hoge-raad/default-flash.htm.
2. See Panier, Darstellung des Bundesgerichtshofs [overview of the Bundesgerichtshof] (visited March 1, 2002)