时间:2010-10-20 13:40来源: 作者: 点击:
José Ortega y Gasset was born May 9, 1883 in Madrid. His father was director of the newspaper "El Imparcial", which belonged to the family of his mother, Dolores Gasset. The family was definitively of Spain
这个人是西班牙籍的哲学家。 José Ortega y Gasset was born May 9, 1883 in Madrid. His father was director of the newspaper "El Imparcial", which belonged to the family of his mother, Dolores Gasset. The family was definitively of Spain's end-of-the-century liberal and educated bourgeoisie. The liberal tradition and journalistic engagement of his family had a profound influence in Ortega y Gasset's activism in politics. 按照西班牙人名译法,José,何塞,是他的名字。Ortega y Gasset,麻烦一点,是父姓和母姓合在一起,中文译法就五花八门了。已经见到中译本的著作有: 大众的反叛 (西)加塞特 / 2004-10-1 / 吉林人民出版社 / 16.0 / 平装 / 刘训练 http://www.douban.com/subject/1281257/ 大学的使命 / Mission of the University 奥尔特加·加塞特 / 浙江教育出版社 / 汉译世界高等教育名著丛书 / 7.0 / 平装 / 徐小洲 / 陈军 http://www.douban.com/subject/1441747/ 什么是哲学 / What is philosophy (西)何·奥·加塞尔(Jose Ortegay Gasset) / 1996-3 / 商务印书馆 / 6.9 / 19cm / 商梓书 / 134页 http://www.douban.com/subject/1438246/ 以前看何兆武先生写的文章,专论他的历史哲学,才知道此人,还知道了乌纳穆诺M.de Miguel de Unamuno,西班牙思想界的双子星座。 何先生文章里用的译名是奥特伽·迦赛特。 网上还见到某人文中使用“奥尔特加-伊-加塞特”,显然是译出他的完整的复姓的设想。这倒是最符合规则。 因为奥尔特加·加塞特,奥特伽·迦赛特,都被中文读者想当然地认为加塞特(Gasset)是姓。比如上列《大众的反叛》一书,即省称(西)加塞特。 查英文书索引,就清楚看到,一律是 Ortega y Gasset,José 而不是Gasset,José Ortega y Gasset 综上,建议此人还是译为“何塞·奥尔特加-加塞特”,直接用连接符表示复姓。
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